Monday, August 15, 2011

Kinley is 5 months old

Little Miss Kinley is now five months old! She's starting out this month cranky and uncomfortable as her first tooth comes in. Yes, you read right... her first tooth (on the bottom left)!!! I thought for a second that I felt something this past Friday when she was being extra cranky, but we could clearly feel it and see it on Saturday. Tyler didn't sprout his first pearly white until he was almost nine months old and although I remember it being very difficult (that poor kid had four teeth coming in at once!), he had such better control of his teething toys and it was easy to give him a teething biscuit and call it good. I feel like Kinley is just still so small and wasn't expecting this for several more months. I'm going to miss her big, beautiful gummy smile. Boohoo. We've been giving her Tylenol and trying to offer teething toys, but she's mostly interested in chewing on my finger and nursing for comfort right now. (sigh)

She's had oatmeal and we just tried apples over the weekend, both of which she enjoyed. I think she's definitely excited to start having more solid food since she's starting to reach out for anything that I'm eating or drinking. I'll give her sips of my water when she tries to grab for my glass and she really loves that. We kinda joke that paper towels are her crack and she goes slightly insane to try and grab a paper towel out of our hands to shove in her mouth. Taking it away and offering a washcloth or something else just doesn't cut it. She wants that paper towel!

She's still doing pretty decent at night (or at least what I consider decent). Going down for the count around 10:30ish and waking somewhere between 2-3:00am (the initial long stretch) and then she normally wakes a couple more times before we finally get up around 8:00am. Her nap times have been more unpredictable during the day, which has made it harder to get work done during the week, so we decided to do a nanny share with our good friend, Dana. Dana found a great girl, Erin, that all the kids seem to really like. Dana has Erin M-Th and we will have her on Fridays. This past Friday was her first day at our house and I could hear Tyler having a great time with her! Since Kinley was unknowingly teething and being very fussy, I had to tend to her a little more than I expected, however, that's why I love the idea of having someone come to our house with me here as opposed to sending the kids off somewhere. I can still be available if I'm needed. [insert control freak here]

Other than that, Kinley is doing great. Aside from teething fussiness, she's still a pretty happy baby. She thinks her big brother is the best/funniest thing she's ever seen! I'm still waiting/hoping for the day when the feeling is mutual. She's still struggling with tummy time and I feel like it will be forever before she's able to sit unassisted, but she does so well in the exersaucer and the jump-a-roo that we just pulled out of the attic, so I'm not too worried about her physical capabilities. :-) She is constantly laughing out loud and I swear, she just becomes more precious with each day. We're definitely loving on her!

Okay, tell me you see it! This girl has attitude written all over her little face. She's like, "Yeah, I know I'm cute! So what?"