Friday, February 11, 2011

30/32/34 week Pregnancy check-up

These last trimester appointments come so frequently and are usually pretty uneventful with just quick weigh-ins and a quick general check, but I still enjoy going and being able to hear that little heart beating for 10 seconds or so. :-) We've been so busy and I didn't post about my 30 week check-up (or take a picture), although, like I said... it was really uneventful. Baby's heart beat was in the 140s and I measured exactly on schedule at 30 weeks. My glucose testing came back normal and we signed up to donate my cord blood through the Texas Cord Blood Bank.

My appointments got off track a little and my 32 week appointment was scheduled for Friday the 4th (when I was actually 33 weeks), but that appointment was cancelled due to our snow day/bad weather and rescheduled for this past Wednesday (at 33 1/2 weeks). As a result, we're skipping the scheduled 34 week appointment and my next one will be at 36 weeks. Catch all that?? It feels like we're really on a count down now! The days/weeks are flying by. This last appointment was even more uneventful than the one before. Doctor S. said everything was great and I am measuring right as I should. Baby's heart rate was in the 160's today and she wouldn't stay still for two seconds. Tyler's heart rate was always in the 160's and as his space became more cramped and he was supposed to be less active because of it, he actually became more active! Our little girl is constantly moving these days and I'm really starting to doubt my thoughts on having a calm baby as we're getting closer to the end. I'm starting to think she's going to be a mini-Tyler and give us a good run for our money! Oh boy!

I'm feeling well, just really tired these days as I still have bad insomnia and can't get comfortable to save my life. If I had to guess, I would say that baby girl is definitely in the head down position and getting prepared to make her debut. I have been feeling an incredible amount of pressure and anytime I go from a sit to standing position, I race to the bathroom. While most women are complaining about 'waddling' at this point, I am quite the opposite. I have to walk slow with my legs close together for fear of a bathroom accident. Haha. The only pregnancy dream that I have had so far was that the baby came four weeks early and was 5 1/2lbs. At this point, I'm starting to wonder.........

34 week belly picture~ total weight gained 24lbs

comparison with Tyler: 35 week belly picture~