Friday, December 3, 2010

24 week Pregnancy Check-up

I had my 24 week check-up yesterday and all is well. It was a very uneventful appointment as my doctor was stuck in emergency surgery and I had to see the nurse practitioner there. I gained (ah hem) 6lbs this past month and while I'd like to think it was because I was bundled up in a sweater, who am I really kidding? I've been eating too much!! Thanksgiving (and our three different dinners) was NO help! Little Miss sounded great though and she's been moving around a lot more lately. I have been able to see my belly poke out when she kicks now, which is fun. And speaking of poking out, my belly button has officially popped out. I've always thought that was cute on other pregnant women, but I'm not loving it so much for myself. I'm still feeling well and hope that continues right into the third trimester. Can't believe I'm already entering the last stage! Wow!!!

Here's a short clip of our sweet girl's (very fast) heart beat:

24 1/2 week belly picture, total weight gained so far: 14lbs

Comparison with Tyler at 24 1/2 weeks: