Saturday, February 28, 2009

10 months old!

I guess we'll say Tyler is 10 months old today since there aren't 30 days in February. We've shared another busy and fun month with our little guy! And when I say busy, I mean that there's not much of a break in our day with his non-stop attitude. He is still our squirmy-wormy and cannot sit still for longer than two minutes. He is standing on his own for longer periods at a time (easily up to 30 seconds!) and we've had several bumps resulting from him experimenting with this. Still no steps on his own and I'm still fine with that! He tries to climb up on everything he can....the step ladder, the barstool, his stroller, his toys, rocks.. whatever he thinks he can climb on.

He has an obsession with the vacuum cleaner right now. He chases me around usually yelling at it while I vacuum. He rearranges our kitchen chairs and barstools daily. He also re-decorates my bathroom daily by pulling out all of my hair/face products from the cabinets and throwing them everywhere and even pulling out the shelf liners in the cabinets sometimes. Needless to say, it's hard to keep a tidy house with Mr. Tyler on the loose.

He is eating more food and nursing less during the day (yeah!). He eats just about everything that we do, but some of his favs at the moment are spaghetti, all types of bread, strawberries, bananas, Fruity Pebble cereal and Goldfish crackers. Surprisingly, he loves vegetables as well. Travis gave him a bite of an olive last week and that didn't go over well... poor guy threw up! haha! Before that, we thought he'd eat anything!

I think we are making some very small progress with our sleeping situation. Travis is able to get him to bed every night, instead of me nursing Tyler to sleep. Unfortunately, he still wakes up several times during the night and we have to nurse back to sleep, but we'll start to take away some of his night feedings this month and see how that goes. Fingers crossed!

He has grown very attached to his lovey recently. He's always liked it and we were only giving it to him at bedtime, but it's proven to be a great comforting tool when I need it during the day as well. I've found myself having to take it along on car rides recently because he absolutely hates his carseat right now and gets aggravated the second I put him in. I think he is either outgrowing it or just tired or looking at the back of the seats (and I don't blame him!). We are planning to buy his new big boy car seat soon!

He's just growing way too fast, but we're enjoying every second of it. Watching him learn and figure things out is so much more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated. :-)

Fun times in the bathtub~