Monday, December 1, 2008

Long overdue

I have told myself time and time again that I was going to start this blog, however, I never seem to have the free time to actually do it! Now here we are... Tyler just turned seven months old yesterday and I have A LOT of catching up to do! Let's go back..... way back.......

Tyler Cole was born April 30, 2008 at 5:33pm. He was 6lbs. 15oz and 20 3/4 inches long. The experience was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated and the end result was having this beautiful little boy to hold in my arms. I immediately figured out where the saying 'Love at First Sight' comes from and we've been smitten ever since. Life has flown by since that moment and it has been an amazing adventure that we are excited to share with everyone.

I'm constantly surprised at how much Tyler changes daily and how fast he is growing. Sometimes I look at him and want to say 'Slow down, baby.' I know that won't happen though. From the beginning, we've said that Tyler hasn't enjoyed being a baby and he has been determined to do what ever he can to grow up faster. He has achieved each milestone with ease and we've always heard how much older he appears to be than he really is. I'm telling you- he wants to be a big boy already. :-)

Nothing can prepare you for the excitement that you will face when you become a parent. It truly is the most amazing thing that has happened to us and it gives us so many wonderful things to look forward to as a family. We feel blessed every day and thank God that he sent a beautiful and healthy baby to us.

Enjoy a few pictures of our 'Little Dude' during his first days while I go down memory lane. :-)

Our first family picture~

One day old and so precious~