Friday, April 13, 2018

New Bling for Friday the 13th

Kinley has been asking to get her ears pierced for a hot minute now. I have been hesitant for several reasons, but mostly because I'm just not ready for all the big girl things! I have been trying to put it off for as long as I could, but she finally put her little foot down today and convinced me that she was ready. And I'm glad that we didn't rush it before. Since we did talk about it for so long, she knew exactly what to expect, was SO excited and was confident with her decision. I had done my research prior and knew that we wanted to go to a tattoo parlor with a Professional Body Piercer. We went to Platinum Ink in Austin and I was a little nervous about how she would react to being inside a legit tattoo parlor, but she was completely cool! Her Piercer was great and made her feel comfortable. She was so brave and you can see in the pictures and video just how proud she is! We love her new bling!

