Tuesday, February 6, 2018

School Sock Hop

We went to the kids' school sock hop this past Friday and I am pretty positive that we exposed the entire school to the flu or at the very least, a good virus. I was at the school early that morning, taking pictures for the yearbook and Kinley didn't look well at all. She said she was feeling really tired and cold, so I took her home. Gave her Tylenol and she took a nap. I figured that we would be staying home, but she kept insisting that she was feeling fine by the evening and wanted to go to the sock hop. She didn't want to miss out on the fun (the girls were so excited about their poodle skirts!), but she crashed as soon as we got home it and went downhill the next day. Classic flu symptoms, but we didn't get her tested. So.... boo! You can barely tell in these pictures that she wasn't feeling well at all. She is such a tough girl!!