Thursday, November 16, 2017

Cassie crossed over the rainbow bridge

We found out that Cassie, my almost 18 year old cat, had a cancerous tumor in her cheek a few weeks ago. We thought she was being cute and lazy by sticking her tongue out, but then her cheek started to swell, so we took her in to the vet. It was hard to see what was going on because her gums were so swollen and we hoped that it was just an infection since she had a couple of bad teeth with bone loss. They removed the bad teeth and prescribed her antibiotics, but the swelling didn't go down and she seemed to get worse. That's when the vet told us that she most likely had cancer. :-( We started palliative care with kitty morphine to keep her comfortable for as long as we could. She went downhill so fast. I think she went blind the night before she passed and that was the saddest thing to watch. I knew I was going to have to take her to the vet the next morning, so we took a few pictures with her and I was able to get her paw prints done for the kids. I explained to them that I didn't know if she would make it through the night and they were able to love on her and tell her goodbye. I'm thankful that I got to hold her in my arms and love her while she passed away peacefully. That girl lived a long and mostly spoiled life! My grandma was not a cat fan at the time, but still allowed me to get Cassie when I was living with her. I was only 20 years old and it feels like a lifetime ago. It was me and Cassie before me and Travis. Before kids. She was there for almost half of my life and while kids take over, priorities change, and admittedly, my patience for old-stubborn cat traits (her peeing on all of Travis' stuff) was very short towards the end, my heart is going to miss this one. It has been tough losing both of our pets this past year, but we'll be thankful for the time and love that we did have with them.

Rest easy, sweet Cassie (aka Cassie-girl, aka Cassidy Maria, aka Cass Cass). (April 23, 2000 - November 15, 2017)

Our last night with her. She loved getting brushed after her bath.