Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jan iPhone pictures

Texas ski ranch with friends~

Love seeing the kids running around outside while I clean the kitchen

This girl is a mess. She says she's a "superhero princess firefighter"

New car!! Something tells me that the salesperson knew what he was doing when he told Travis to just take it home... for FOUR days! And something tells me that after me being picky and trying to find a great used one for 6+ months... Travis knew what he was doing when he brought this new one home. ;-) We love it!

Brooklyn is loving our Christmas card with her friend, Jordan, on it.

CFA lunch date for my girl and pedicure for me. :-)

I think most people forget that I actually have a paying job as well and this is how I have to manage both sometimes! That would be Brooklyn climbing on the back of my chair and me.

New project in Kinley's room! Gearing up to get this girl sleeping in her own room.

After basketball practice dinner with friends~

The kids pulled out the old rock and play and Brooklyn seriously fell asleep in it while watching TV. My heart!

Different day, same working situation~

Kinley's class getting a mystery reader visit

lunch date

Kinley loved her wavy hair

Kai's birthday party


This little guy showed up in our garage and is clearly someone's pet kitty. The kids have quickly fallen in love with him and want to keep him, but we are searching for a new home. They are calling him Ginger. Ha!

I got to be a mystery reader for Kinley's class.

She managed to get herself stuck in the doll highchair.

with Syenna and their cute, little matching boots

Kinley and her selfies

Miss Independent making her peanut butter and jelly sandwich

He's trying hard to warm his way in~

Kinley's class received snowflakes from another class in a different state!