Friday, July 8, 2016

Happy Second Birthday, Little B!

Little B! I’m a little late with this birthday letter, which isn’t surprising. Our days have managed to get busier and busier and we are pulled in so many different directions right now. However, even with our crazy schedule, we sure are having some fun!

We celebrated your birthday a little late because your dad was heading to California for work. I was secretly happy about this because it didn’t seem official until we had that “Too-Two Sweet” party and watched you blow out your candles and I’m all for keeping you little longer, even if it was only for two weeks longer! Two just seems crazy town to me! It has gone by SO fast! You have been a little challenging for months now, but your “two year old tantrums” seem to have arrived right on schedule. Lucky us! We are still surprised by this change! You went from the easiest and happiest baby ever to… oh my gosh! You are becoming strong-willed, determined, stubborn, very loud, and you don’t take no for an answer. You do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Your mood can and does change in an instant and it often takes a lot of effort on our end to pull you back to the happy side! I can’t even lie… you are a lot like me, in that regard. :-/

You are a very busy toddler. It's especially difficult with all of the "fun" activities we do (school, basketball, golf, cub scouts, dance, softball, birthday parties, coffee dates, etc.). I spend most of my time chasing after you and bribing you with a lot of candy or iPad time.

However, even with being difficult, you manage to keep us ALL swooning over you. You are talking a lot more and say, "Pitty peeeze" for everything. Swoon. You don't just say thanks, you say, "Dank you, honey." Swoon. And you know that when you flash your little Sponge Bob teeth at us, we're pretty much going to do whatever you want.

You can be very affectionate and cuddly, which I love! I am the lucky recipient of most of that affection. You always wrap your arms around my leg and often tell everyone, "MY Mom." And on that note- you often walk around saying, "Mine, Mine, Mine" about a lot of things. HaHa. We have some work to do in the sharing department. You don't seem to have a problem sharing with Cooper. You are always slipping him a chip or some kind of snack. You like taking Cooper his medicine in the evenings and call it "messinin." You love taking baths and splashing in the water. We just got back from Port Aransas and you had SO much fun at the beach and playing in the sand. I was sad that it was such a quick trip, but I see a lot of beach trips in your future! You can wear a Puddle Jumper now and ask to go to the pool all the time. It should be a fun summer! Your two bottom molars just came in (July 1 and July 7). You are not a fan of brushing your teeth at all. We have to sing songs and try to turn it into a game every day. You do love singing though. We always sing, "I love you... you love me... we're a happy family..." You can also sing your ABC's and count to 13! Pretty impressive! We are working on colors now. You are just starting to really sit still for cartoon shows. You love Mickey Mouse Club House, Peppa Pig, Team Umizoomi and Max and Ruby. You have jumped on the Frozen craze and love all things Elsa. You could watch the movie every day and love singing "Let it Go" with your sister.

You live off of Tic Tacs, cheese, corn dogs, chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, Cheetos, and root beer. You know, a lot of healthy things!! ;-) I don't sweat this as much as I should because you are still nursing and getting a lot of healthy benefits. It's crazy because I never, ever thought I'd be nursing this long, but here we are. You're still nursing for naps and bedtime because it's the only way that you will fall asleep and I need you sleeping so that I can work. You still call it "night-night" and clap, smile, and laugh when you know it's night-night time. You are so appreciative and it makes my heart hurt because I know that our nursing days are about to be over, but not by your choice. I know that we have to do it now while our schedule is more flexible for summer, even if you're not ready. You'll grow to never remember nursing, but I'll always cherish this special bond and time that we've had together.

I wish time would slow down a little, but I am looking forward to all that comes this next year with a wild TWO year old!

Happy Birthday, baby girl! I love you!
