Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Happy # 5, Baby Girl!

Kinley “Sue”

Today you turn FIVE! You are a whole hand now! A.Whole.Hand!! Something about turning five really makes you go all the way back down memory lane. Remembering the day you joined our family and all the excitement that surrounded that moment. Thinking about all of your firsts and all of your accomplishments. Thinking about that little, chunky toddler with blonde curls and pigtails. I knew it would go by quickly and it sure did! As I look at you today, I am filled with overwhelming love, just as I was when I saw you for the first time five years ago.

Today, you are a big pre-schooler. You started going to pre-k last Fall and even though it’s just two days a week, you really love having this small sense of independence. It’s the same Church program that Tyler went to. You enjoy school, learning new things, being with your friends and playing with play doh. ;-). You have learned how to write your ABC’s and your name and I’m so happy that you are learning about Jesus there. It makes me feel sad that we haven’t really opened that door for you before this because you are so curious and you definitely have a love for Jesus. You have motivated me to try and find us a Church home soon.

Today, you are a dancer. You are doing your third year of dance with your best friends and preparing for your third dance recital. I love that you still love to dance. There’s not a lot of difficult technique at this age, but you continue to impress me when you strike a correct pose or do a dance move. You were definitely born to entertain!

Today, you are a softball player. You did softball in the Fall and had a lot of fun, so we are trying it again for Spring. You’re not as excited about it this round because your best friend, Mackenzie, decided to skip out. Hopefully, you will still have fun and make new friends! You are about as precious as they come in your softball attire. :-)

Today, you are a girly girl. You are my “princess hand holder.” Playing dress-up is without a doubt your favorite pastime. Your toy chest is stuffed full with beautiful princess dresses and costumes. You want to wear a dress every day and hate pants (even when it’s cold outside!). You like getting my high heels out of my closet and wearing them around. It’s nice to see them every now and then because I sure don’t wear them these days. You are always sneaking into my make-up and putting on eye shadow or mascara. Lip gloss and chapstick are your thing. You love having your nails painted and wearing bracelets and necklaces. You continue to push to get your ears pierced, but I think we are going to hold off a little bit longer.

Today, you know how to whistle and buckle your own car seat. You ride your bike with training wheels. You love to color and draw family pictures. You have quite the collection of My Little Ponies that you play with every day. You enjoy soaking in a hot bath and playing with your ponies there. You love playing with your baby dolls and pretending to be a mom. You are still sleeping in Tyler’s room and Daddy still stays in there until you both fall asleep. We will be getting your big girl room soon, but for now, you want to be with your bubba. You love watching My Little Pony, Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, Shimmer and Shine, and Paw Patrol. You live off of chocolate milk, chocolate milkshakes, and anything else chocolate. :-) You love telling goofy jokes that don’t make a lot of sense and your laugh is one of the single greatest sounds ever!

Today, you are a fun, energetic, compassionate, sassy, silly, loving, smart, strong, beautiful, FABULOUS FIVE year old! I hope this next year is nothing short of fabulous. Happy #5, baby girl!

I love you,
