Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 17 months old

Our busy schedule is catching up with me and I didn't do a post for Brooklyn at 16 months :-(, so here's a combined one now that she's 17 months old! Our sweet little one is still showing more attitude and sass these days. I think the two year old tantrums are happening a bit early for B. She screams to get her way and gets aggressive when she's mad. I made her get off the stair case the other day and she walked right over to me and slapped me on the leg. She has pulled Kinley's hair a few times when she's mad. Of course, I tell her to love her sissy and we pet her hair instead of pulling it, but I was a little more firm with her the last time she did it and tapped her hand and then Kinley turned on ME! She accused me of hitting HER sister and that I wasn't going to get any presents for Christmas. HaHa! These kids are quick to join forces against us! Brooklyn doesn't really get too upset with Tyler. He's probably the only one! Ha! He is very patient with her and lets her be the boss when they play, so it works for her. Even with these occasional tantrums, she's still such a doll.

She is trying to talk and say so much! She says: Bubba, ball, baby, bye-bye, bath, bed, hug, hi, eat, up, down, 'Boopa' for Cooper, and she says thank you. She's putting a couple of words together like, hi Dadda or okay, Momma. She's been singing 'happy birthday to Momma' and you really have to see/hear the video to know just how completely adorable it is!! Little stinker hated it when we sang Happy Birthday to her and now she's obsessed with singing it to us! Go figure! Big sister is teaching her the ropes and Brooklyn loves Frozen. She says 'Anna' and lights up when she sees her Anna and Elsa dolls. She knows what sounds a cat, dog and duck make. She points to her eyes, nose, ears, head and feet. She's really a good eater and her favs are tomatoes, cheese, raisens, eggs, jelly sandwiches, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, and corn dogs. She will go climb in her chair when she's hungry and she tells us when she wants to get out. She smiles for the camera when I tell her to show me her teeth. is smiling now when I pull out the camera and ask her to show me her teeth. All of her molars have broken the surface and her bottom left cuspid started to pop through on October 29. I'm sure that all of this isn't helping with her fussiness.

She is a climber! She climbes up on the kitchen table, the bathroom counter and the furniture. I have to mention our super scary moment with her when she climbed right into a full bathtub, head first, with Kinley in it. I seriously can't remember another parenting moment when I was more scared! Kinley was taking a bath and I was getting dinner ready when I heard Kinley scream for me in panic. It was one of those screams that makes your heart sink and I just threw everything to the ground. I rushed in the bathroom to see Kinley holding Brooklyn's head above the water and Brooklyn screaming. Poor Kinley had such a look of fear on her face... I'll never forget it. It's so hard to think how that situation could have been different if Kinley wasn't in the bath (yes, sometimes they hop out without letting the water out... never again!) or if she didn't react quickly. Thank God everything was okay! I have been praising Kinley non-stop!

Brooklyn started trying her luck with Buddy Bucks at HEB. She landed on 'instant winner' her first two times and got a prize! Tyler and Kinley are still a little bitter about that. ;-) I feel like we are starting to wean a little from nursing, but I can already tell it's not going to be an easy thing. She calls it 'night-night,' just like Kinley did and she's becoming very vocal about asking for night-night often.
