Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September iPhone and misc

Brooklyn taking a cat nap on Daddy

Play date with Cash

Took this picture to show my dad. Kids were screaming and begging for my attention while I was on the phone with him and the second that I hung up, they started playing quietly... together... in the next room! Never fails!

I think baby girl needs a new car seat~

Face painting from Audrey's birthday party~

Some sister love~

This was fun! Just about to head out to drop Tyler off at school and B pulled down the box of cereal.

Monday, September 14, 2015

New Dance Year

Kinley is entering her third year of dance. That sounds kind of crazy considering she's only four! I'm wondering if this will be her last year because she keeps talking about trying other things. :-( I hope not! She's just the cutest dancer!!

Dove hunting

Tyler went on his first dove hunt.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Brooklyn is 15 months old

Brooklyn is 15 months old! This month has been a little more difficult. She's still screaming out loud and gets pretty frustrated about things. I know that it's just because she wants to do more than she physically can and she wants to communicate more than she can, but wow! She is developing a little attitude. She kinda flipped a switch when she turned one. I feel like she was so easy that first year and she's making up for a little bit of it. We're also trying to get into a routine now that Tyler and Kinley have started school and I know that's a little hard for her. I wake her up about 7am and she goes down for a nap about 11-11:30 and on good days, will usually sleep for two hours. Then we are out the door at 1:45 to pick up the kids from school. She has been having separation anxiety for months, but now that we are back up at the school and people are trying to talk to her/hold her (the same people that she used to freely go to every day), she's really freaking out! She doesn't want anything to do with anyone except me or Travis. She's doing that fun toddler thing where she doesn't want me to hold her when we're out and squirms and fusses her way out of my arms. It's all been a little challenging lately. However, I still say that all of her difficultness is easy to deal with in comparison to what we're used to with the kids. And she still does so many cute things that we quickly forget that she has us all in a frenzy. She says: hi, up, down, dogga and peek-a-boo (peet-a-bah). It seems like she knows more of what we're saying or asking these days. She still loves her fruit and corndogs. She's starting to smile for the camera on her own. Look at this smile....


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kinley's First day of Pre-K

We are dropping like flies over here! After watching her brother head off to school for the past three years, this little girl finally gets her own sign!! Kinley is off to Pre-K! She was so excited and ready to go! She has several friends in class already, including her best friend, Makenzie! I didn't feel as emotional about her heading off to school as I did with Tyler. I guess because I know what to expect and I LOVE this school. However, dropping her off with Brooklyn in tow really hit me on just how fast the time is going by. Rewind three years ago and I was dropping Tyler off with Kinley in tow. Kinley was only three months older than Brooklyn is now. It honestly feels like yesterday that I was doing all of that and now Tyler is in 2nd grade! Before I know it, Kinley will be in 2nd grade and Brooklyn will be here! And then I won't have another baby in tow?! It's going by way too fast and that's what gets me pretty emotional. I am trying to "live in the moment" and be just as excited for Kinley and her new adventure as she is! I'm hopeful that everyone will appreciate her feisty personality just as much as we do!!

Are you excited about starting school? She chose yes!

Kinley's first weekly job was being the door holder. :-)

Her room all cleaned and put away after school.

Brooklyn is part of the lollipop gang now! A handful of the kids go into the director's office after school to get a lollipop. Kinley used to get one with Tyler and now Brooklyn is getting one with Kinley. :-)

Traditional after school treat with Makenzie and Ambrie!

So proud of this big girl!

Pictures her teacher sent later~