Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Brooklyn is 1 year old

Waaah, waaah, waaah! My sweet, teeny, tiny BABY is one year old!! Dang- that went by fast!! And one isn't starting out fantastic for her! She started getting sick the day after her birthday and I took her into Urgent Care on Friday with acute viral pharyngitis. She was running a really high fever and had blisters all down her throat and they couldn't give her anything for it??! Frustrating!! She was miserable. :-( We had to postpone her birthday party less than 24 hours before it was supposed to happen and this was actually the second time we had to postpone! We had to postpone the previous weekend because we had record flooding and our backyard was a muddy mess. It has been a rough couple of weeks over here! And poor B has been super fussy since she got sick. That includes being fussy for things that used to be so much fun, like bathtime! She hates everything right now. She took her first steps solo on June 5th, but didn't try again until her birthday morning. As I tried to get cute pictures of her, she kept taking 1-2 steps towards me and would then fall down. Since getting sick, she hasn't attempted again. :-( She is very clingy and wants me to carry her everywhere. This virus has been a doozy! She is starting to use the walker a little more, but still gets more frustrated than not using it because she gets stuck everywhere.

Some things that haven't changed since turning one- she's still wearing 12 month clothes. She seems like such a petite girl to me. We are in between pediatricians again and I haven't gotten her percentiles, but she is completely average (just smaller than the other two as babes). She's still sleeping in my bed with no end in sight. I probably sound like a broken record, but been there... done that. Things are still going well with co-sleeping. She's still waking several times during the night because she wants to nurse, and that's my only complaint about her sleeping with me, but we're managing. She is still in her infant car seat. It's crazy because I had to turn the other two forward facing at about 11 months, however, now they recommend that babies stay rear facing for TWO years, so I'm super happy that Brooklyn isn't putting up any fuss about her carseat right now. I'm sure we will get her something more comfortable and bigger soon, though. She is still taking two naps- one morning and one afternoon, however, I think she's trying to transition to one nap because she's been taking one long nap after lunch the past few days. It's about the same time that I remember Tyler and Kinley dropping down to one nap. She is a busy body and loves climbing on the small chairs/table in the playroom. She just started giving high fives (SO CUTE)! Her favorite thing right now is applesauce. I almost can't even remember the days before handy pouch food was invented, but Tyler and Kinley definitely didn't have this luxury! It's so nice and convenient to pull out an applesauce pouch wherever we are! She started saying 'dada' and 'bubba' this month. :-)

I can't believe that this little face is one year old now!

Private party at our house on her birthday~ :-)