Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Brooklyn is 3 months old

Brooklyn is three months old and we have enjoyed another month of her very sweet and laid back personality. I keep making jokes about how she's too sweet to be in this family. HaHa! To me, it feels like such a different experience from Tyler and Kinley, but other people are always commenting about how sweet and content she seems as well. And I always get questioned on how hard life is with three kiddos and it's funny because SHE'S the easy one (for now, at least!). I feel like I'm always playing referee between Tyler and Kinley and fussing about something :-( and in the middle of our daily chaos is little Brooklyn... just smiling about everything. There's no doubt that I adore Tyler and Kinley, but there are so many moments that I just shut my bedroom door when they are fighting or tearing up the house and nurse my sweet baby or cuddle her in quite. Somehow she's the one keeping me sane these days!

Aside from smiling A LOT, she's starting to laugh, coo and talk. She has such a precious voice! She's having a lot of fun with her play mat now as she's hitting and reaching for all of the toys on it. She will occasionally give a good push with her feet and scoot across the mat, but she hasn't really attempted to roll over. She's always trying to sit up when she's in the bouncer (it looks like she's doing crunches), so I imagine that her tummy and back muscles will be strong enough to start rolling over in no time! She's starting to sleep for longer stretches at night. On a good night (and there are many of them!), she goes down for the count about 10ish and will sleep for 5-6 hours before waking up to nurse and then again a couple of hours later before we have to get up and get our school day going. She's still sleeping a lot during the day. She's a great nurser and she's so sweet and patient about it a lot of the time that I have to be conscious about how long it's been between feedings and go nurse her. She'll definitely let me know if we've gone too long, but in general, she doesn't make a huge fuss.

Although, it's not official yet, we've had all of the paperwork completed and notarized for a couple of weeks to change Brooklyn's middle name from Grace to Kate. Eeek! I just have to file it with the Court now. This change seems like the best fit and compromise to my struggle with loving her name, but not feeling like it fits in with the rest of ours and thinking we should have went with a K name. If I still feel like that down the road, we can easily call her Katie/Kate and it won't seem like a big deal since it's her middle name. :-) And it's funny because I seriously considered Brooklyn Kate at the hospital, but since I just threw that out to Travis, he said to stick with Grace. I always have to do things the hard way!

LOVE this sweet smile!!


You can see how she's trying to sit up~