Sunday, December 29, 2013


Merry Christmas morning!! I know that our kids are lucky and spoiled at Christmas, but I just love seeing the excitement in their eyes on Christmas morning and the magic that Christmas in general brings to them. I'm happy that Tyler remembers what he learned last year at the Christian Learning Center and is still very aware of why we celebrate Christmas. It's not just about getting presents. In fact, HE suggested that we make baby Jesus a birthday cake and sadly, I didn't get to do that. I would love to add that to our family traditions next year!

Kinley doesn't understand the meaning behind Christmas, she's just a typical 2 1/2 year old and happy to get presents! However, there are a few 'Tyler stories' that I want to remember. This is the year that Tyler started to doubt whether Santa was real or not. He asked me and I wasn't prepared for that conversation. Instead of giving him a yes or no answer, we talked about why people like to believe in Santa and all the magic of Christmas and he decided on his own that he wants to continue to believe. Works for me!!

We've learned our lesson before with letting Tyler help with Christmas presents because the poor kid can't keep a secret to save his life. He was very convincing this year that he would keep a secret and after seeing one of Travis' stocking stuffers (a Yeti tumbler), he immediately ran to Travis and said, "We didn't get you a cup!" Seriously?! He tried very hard to tell me what I got by "only giving me (very obvious) hints." He just can.not keep a secret. Lesson really learned this year!

My favorite memory will be from our trip to Hobby Lobby. The Salvation Army was outside the store collecting money and the kids each wanted money to put in the bucket, however, we needed to buy our stuff inside and break our bill first. I gave Tyler and Kinley a few dollars each and Kinley immediately put her money in the bucket, thinking that it was just something fun for her to do. Tyler decided that he wanted to keep his money instead and put it towards his Lego fund. Since I didn't specifically say that he had to donate the money when giving it to him, I left the decision completely up to him, but took that opportunity to explain about those less fortunate than us during the holiday season and the importance of giving, etc. He still decided to keep his money and said that maybe he could do chores at home to donate money. (Right!) It wasn't until we got loaded in the truck and drove out of the crazy/busy parking lot that I noticed he was sitting in the back seat with tears in his eyes. When I asked what was wrong, he said that he felt really bad for the families that didn't have as much as he did and really wanted to go back to give them his money. He was afraid he missed that opportunity. It's hard to explain in writing, but it was a pretty powerful moment for him and one that I was very proud of! We drove back to the store so that he could donate his money. As we left again, he said that it was a really hard choice... to give or to keep and when I asked him what makes him feel better, he said to give. I'd love to take credit for doing something 'right' with Tyler, but the truth is, this is all him. He's such a sweet and compassionate soul and I don't think I could be more proud of him.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!