Saturday, April 13, 2013

Let's play ball!!

Tyler is now a little t-ball player! He was very persistent about being ready to try a sport and we said we would wait until he was ready, so here we are! Added bonus- he's on the same team as one of his best buds, Trace. The 2 x/week practices for four weeks prior to this first game were pretty hit and miss. Some days he was eager to go and not-so-much on the other days (we had to miss one practice because I accidentally cut his toenail too short and he couldn't wear shoes (ha)), so we'll see how the season goes. I was very impressed with his first game. I mean, it's t-ball... he didn't score any home runs, but he DID run to the correct bases, unlike some other little ones, and he hustled after the ball every time. Go Astros!!! Go #6!!!

**(This is actually a late publish- this first game was on March 19th)**

First time hitting the ball!

Heading in from 3rd base~

High fives from Grandpa Bill, Grandma Dale and Andrea!

Astros cheerleader! Go Bubba!

Playing 2nd base~

Realizing his other best bud, Jacob (from the opposing team), was on 2nd base. :-)

Tyler and Trace