Monday, December 10, 2012

O' Christmas Tree

I let the kids pick out their favorite ornament to put on the tree (Tyler started doing it last year and picked out a Lightning McQueen one) and it's something that I hope to continue doing each year. It will be fun to look back years from now and see what they were interested in growing up. This year, Kinley picked out a kitty ornament. She is mildly obsessed with "meow meows." Tyler picked out a Batman ornament. Our tree ended up being half decorated (top half only) because a certain little someone couldn't resist pulling everything off and playing with it. ;-) We're all ready now!

As good as it's going to get this year~

My new FAV.O.RITE Christmas decorations that I will cherish forever! Yes, those are Kinley's "Mistletoes" and Tyler's "Santa hand." :-)