Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kinley is 18 months old!

Kinley is 18 months old.  1 ½ years old!  Technically closer to her second birthday than her first one now.  The time is flying!  I know I sound like a broken record, but there has not been a shortage of difficult moments with Kinley this past month. Of course, it’s not a surprise to us.  I think I have accepted that this is just her.  She had her pediatrician well-check today and I talked with Anna in detail about Kinley’s behavior and she assured me that it all sounded very normal and that we may have to deal with another year of it.  Lord help us!!!  She explained that Kinley is so much more ahead cognitively  than what she can communicate, which results in her frustration (tantrums and constant screaming at us).  It makes sense.  Anna described her as having “high emotions.”  If she’s out of her snack, she doesn’t bring me the bowl and indicate that she wants more.  Instead, she frantically brings me the bowl, hits my leg repeatedly with it and screams at the top of her lungs and then starts crying if I haven’t refilled the snack in .2 seconds.  This is not an exaggeration!  And it’s all the time about everything.  That's just an example.  Anna said that instead of being the quiet girl watching a football game, she will probably be sitting on the sidelines, screaming and cheering loudly.  And for some reason, I can totally picture that! :-)  The rest of the appointment didn’t go well in terms of Kinley cooperating.  She must have finally made the connection with getting shots there, I don’t know.  She kicked, screamed, wiggled and tried to jump off the table while they were just trying to get her stats!  The weight is probably pretty accurate at 24lbs (25-50%), but I’m sure the length and head circumference is a guess with all the fuss that was going on.  Length was 30 inches (5-10%) and head circumference was 18 3/4cm (75-90%).  We tried to get out of there pretty quickly after that. :-)

Of course, things aren’t all bad.  Kinley has adjusted pretty well to the new schedule we have since Tyler started school.  She wakes up about 7:30am, takes a nap around 11:30am and is in bed around 9pm.  She’s still waking up during the night and I’m still hopeful for a change soon.  She understands so much more of what we say now, but she hasn’t added many new words to her vocabulary.  Aside from momma or dada, the two most used words are ‘mine’ and ‘no.’  Of course, those are the two words that most parents probably dislike the most.  ;-)  She calls Cooper 'Bo Bo' and she is calling her lovey ‘weevie or weebie,’ which I just think is the cutest thing ever.  She is so attached to her loveys (yes, pleural... she has like 6!) and carries them around everywhere.  She is really starting to love on her baby dolls more and even rocks them in her arms.  I think it’s amazing how she instinctively knows to do that.  She can finally reach the door knobs in the house and takes great pride in opening or closing a door.  Still a stinker, but sill fun!

And, I think that about covers it until next month.

Pictures from our recent visit to Poppa and Peggy's house. :-)