Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kinley is 15 months old

My fuss bucket is 15 months old now. I was going over some entries from when Tyler was around this age and I realized that we have some work/catching up to do with Kinley. She's just kind of doing her own thing and taking her time at learning stuff, which is more than okay, but I got a little sad thinking that I've been so busy and haven't taken the time to... for example, teach her all of her body parts, like I did with Tyler. She does know her belly and hair right now. We'll get there with the rest! :-)

There are some similarities to Tyler around this age, however. She isn't attempting many words, but she is trying to say 'maa' for moon, which was one of his very early words. And just as Travis did when Tyler was a babe, he occasionally takes Kinley outside at night and they search for geckos. She knows to look in certain areas/under things for their hideouts and enjoys the hunt, but she doesn't want anything to actually do with one. Apparently, she's been bitten twice and now she screams when Travis catches one to show her. Hunting = awesome. Catching = not so awesome!

She cut her upper left cuspid tooth, making a total of 13 pearly whites now and the last three are right there. I'm so ready to be done with this and I'm certain that she is as well. And as you can imagine, this isn't helping in the cranky department at all. I have noticed a small improvement in our days at home and moments of being more happy and content with playing, but she still fusses... a lot. Some days I feel like she's just getting worse with being so attached to me. She immediately has a hyperventilating meltdown if I leave her with Travis for just a moment now. Things that used to not be a huge deal if I wasn't around, like playing outside with Travis and Tyler or having Travis do bath time, has turned into a mess now. She wants me around every second. Then on the flip side to that, I've left her with Travis a couple of times for a couple of hours when I had something to do over the past month and he says that she was great while I was gone, but she'll immediately start fussing and wanting me when she sees me. ??? Exhausting.

For being so attached, she's also very independent. She wants to do a lot of things by herself, she doesn't want to hold your hand and she's entering that fearless toddler stage. I'm waiting for her to face plant off the front porch, although I'm really hoping it doesn't happen!

She loves cucumbers, watermelon and corn-on-the-cob and she just started using a fork about a week ago. I think she's becoming a picky eater and right now she lives on a lot of eggs, chicken, fruits and fruit snacks. Don't judge about the fruit snacks- I'm feeding her whatever she'll eat to try and completely wean her from nursing. We've started the process, but it feels like we're a long way from being done. She still nurses for nap/bedtime and wakes during the night to nurse, however, she would be happiest nursing all day long if I let her. I think she's going to really struggle with giving it up completely.

The best update is our sleeping situation. She's finally sleeping better. We're certainly not sleeping through the night, but I'll take 2-3 night wakings over 7-10 any day!! I hope I didn't just jinx myself given that that's only been happening for the last week, but I really think her body is just ready to be sleeping for longer stretches. This is around the exact same time that Tyler went from his crazy night wakings down to a couple as well. I'm not sure what the milestone is, but if it's like Tyler's situation, then we're on the downhill slope of our sleep troubles and that makes for one happy and better rested Mommy!!!! :-)

Cute pictures with the crappy camera~


Kinley loves birthday parties and singing Happy Birthday. We only make it to "Happy Birthday to You" and then she blows out the candles. Pretty cute.

Future bongo player??

Another one of her many talents. :-)