Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kinley is 10 months old!

I know this post is a few days late. We've been busy, but I couldn't wait to take a break today and start by sharing our exciting news! Today goes down in the baby books as the day that Kinley started CRAWLING!! Yeah! I was just telling a girlfriend yesterday that Kinley may not even be legit crawling by her first birthday and leave it up to her to prove me wrong! :-) She has been doing a light attempt at army crawling for a few weeks and while it got her from point A to point B, she just couldn't seem to pick her belly up off the ground and mostly stayed frustrated or cried while trying to move around. Yesterday she stayed off the ground a little more, dragging her right leg, but she's completely off the ground and going today! Legit crawling! I'm very excited for her! She's also starting to pull up on some of her small toys and the staircase. Slowly, but surely, she's getting there. And my life just got a little harder. ;-)

I'm really hoping that she'll burn more energy during the day with crawling and sleep better at night because that has gotten increasingly WORSE, waking more and more and wanting me to be her paci. She has some serious boob attachment issues, which is nothing new. I'm just not sure how we'll end up breaking it when the time comes because I think she may be content with nursing for forever! I had a dental procedure at the beginning of the month and ended up taking Hydrocodone along with other stuff for several days. Even though it's safe to nurse while on those meds, I still pumped beforehand to limit how much I did expose Kinley to and I can't believe how stubborn she is! She's never taken to a bottle and I haven't pumped since she was probably three months old so I kind of had high hopes that she'd take it now from a sippy cup. I sat right there and watched her drink 1/2 a sippy cup of water and she wouldn't touch the sippy cup with pumped milk. Crazy! I know it's going to be a big battle when I finally want my boobs back!

Speaking of battles, our little girl has been displaying all kinds of attitude lately. She looks so cute and sweet and can be laughing one minute and have a full-on meltdown the next. I usually don't have a clue why. She gets madder than mad when we take something from her and boy, I have seen her let her brother have it for taking a toy from her. I tried to give her a sippy cup of water the other night instead of letting her use me as her paci and she picked the cup up and threw it at me! Seriously! She has tantrums about putting clothes on, changing her diaper and cleaning her face. I looked back at what Tyler was up to around this age and he had a hard time with all the same stuff, so I guess it's just that age... or it just goes back to what I've always said about my babies being uber crabby people!

However, when she's not having her diva moments, she can be a lot of fun. She recently learned to clap, wave bye and she loves to play peek-a-boo. She started this new game where she'll reach out to Travis and as Travis goes to get her, she grabs hold of me tightly and buries her little head in my chest. She likes to tease him. We can do this over and over and I enjoy the snuggle time, however I may get it. ;-)

Proof in the puddin'... my legit crawler (and obviously, I'm not opposed to a little bribery, haha)!

And somebody started feeling a little left out of the excitement

My other crawling child. ;-)

Checking milestones off our list by the minute. :-) Clapping: 1/10/12