Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kinley is 8 months old

Eight months old! I have to start off with a little back tracking and admit another one of my Mommy fails. What I chalked up to just a fussy baby and possible teething while giving updates for Kinley's seven month post actually turned out to be Strep throat. :-( THAT'S why I had been having such a hard time with her. After about five days of constant fussiness, I finally decided to take her to the pedi, but I honestly wasn't expecting her to be sick. The doctor was just as surprised as I was that the test came back positive because apparently, it's not very common in babies. I felt horrible knowing that she had been dealing with that for days and for complaining about what a fussy baby I had. I'm just hoping that was a random case and that she doesn't have recurring Strep like I did when I was younger. Fingers crossed. So, my poor little girl started out that month with discomfort and she ended it with discomfort. She's been teething and has not been happy. Her upper left tooth popped through yesterday (and her other top tooth looks to be following), so at least I KNOW the fussiness is due to teething this time. That makes three pearly whites.

Let's see... aside from still being on a regular nursing schedule, she's eating a lot of little pieces of whatever food we eat. She loves eating dried yogurt and sweet potato puffs. I give her those so that she can learn to self-feed and she's doing great with that. Not crawling, but she can definitely feed herself. HaHa! She does seem a little more ready to be mobile, although, her size is still limiting her. She can turn a circle while on her belly to get something behind her and she is sitting in a tripod position pretty well. Maybe she'll crawl before Christmas, but I doubt it. I'm starting to wonder if we've missed that opportunity to crawl since she's always in a sitting position as opposed to being on her belly, but what do I really know?? Guess we'll see. She's still waking a lot at night and wants to nurse each time she wakes up. I actually tried to put her in her crib one night and it didn't work out for us at all. She screamed each time I put her in the crib, regardless if she was almost asleep or fully asleep and woke as soon as I layed her down. I eventually got in the crib with her and nursed her to sleep a couple of times, but she woke up about 30 minutes later each time. After several attempts, she ended up back in my bed since I knew she would probably wake up Tyler sleeping in the next room with all her screaming. I feel kind of stuck, but as I've been saying, I know this won't last forever.

I think that covers the main things. I'm sure we'll have a lot more to share with the holidays right around the corner! :-)

(The more I look at this picture, it's becoming one of my favs. Silly girl!)