Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kinley is 6 months old

On to happier posts... Happy Half Year Birthday to Kinley!! I can't believe she's already six months old!! It has been crazy with everything going on in Bastrop, but that hasn't slowed Kinley down one bit. We had her pedi appointment today and she's still a BIG girl. I know... Duh. ;-) She weighed in at 19lbs. 9oz (95%), is 24 1/2in. long (10%) and her head circumference is 17 1/4cm (75-90%). For comparison purposes, Tyler was 15 1/2lbs (50%), 26 3/4in. long (75%) and his head circumference was 17cm (25%). As you can tell, they are total opposites. I guess boy/girl stats differ quite a bit because their head difference is only 1/4 cm and it changes from 25th percentile for boys to 75-90th percentile for girls, but I just have to laugh at the 4 pound and 2 inch difference between them! That's huge! My six month old has been wearing mostly all 12 month clothes for the past couple of weeks and actually has a few 18 month pieces that are sneaking into the pile (the dress below... 18 months!). Not kidding!! Oh, I just adore my little chunk of love!!

So clearly, she loves to eat! I'm actually making her baby food, which has proven to be really easy and it's cheaper and healthier for her. I missed out on doing this with Tyler because he never really ate baby food. I only bought it a couple of times, but he preferred to eat small bites of whatever we had over purees. Kinley will eat anything I make for her. She's tried bananas, apples, strawberries, peaches, pears, brown rice, sweet potatoes, avocado and carrots. We got the go ahead from Anna today to start experimenting with more variety and solids, so I'm looking forward to that! Oh, and I can't forget... she already had her first taste of ice cream, courtesy of Daddy. In his defense, we had to celebrate the hottest day... EVER (112 degrees!). And I'm not surprised, but it looks like she'll fit right in with the rest of us sweet-a-holics. She obviously loved it!

The poor girl ended 4 months old teething and rolled right into 5 months old teething. I noticed her second bottom tooth popped through on the evening she turned five months old, which definitely explained her increase in fussiness and we've continued to have a hard time with her being cranky this past month. I'm wondering if we'll see some top teeth soon. ?? She's also developing some serious separation anxiety from me. I'm not sure if she's looking for comfort because she's teething or if she's getting spoiled and just wants her Mommy, but she wants to be attached to my hip (literally) and has a hard time when I put her down or pass her off to Travis and walk away. She immediately starts crying full-on, like I'm leaving her for good. It's been difficult and tiring, but on the plus side, I'm hoping the extra toting around will help me shed a few of these pregnancy pounds! ;-)

And just when I thought her chunkiness was going to delay her physical capabilities, she's proving me wrong. She started rolling over from her tummy to back and if I put her in a sitting position with a toy in front of her, she's able to sit for short periods by herself. She's still pretty wobbly, but like I said, I thought she was a long way from doing this last month. Anna said that her size may keep her from being mobile for a while and I'm actually okay with that. I wasn't ready for Tyler to start crawling at 6 1/2 months old and I'm not ready for her to start crawling either. Been there, done that and I know it gets a lot harder when they're mobile.

Tyler is still the one person that can put a smile on her face no matter what. She just loves him. He's starting to show her some more attention and she's eating that up. She's noticing Cooper and Cassie more and gets pretty excited when they're around. She loves bathtime and being tickled. She definitely has "Momma" down, and says it over and over when she's tired or fussy, but I don't think it's going in the baby books... yet. It still seems a little early for her to be talking, right? I guess I'm waiting for it to be more definite or something. But, just as it was with Tyler, it looks like Momma is going to win over Daddy for the first word. :-)

I think that's it for highlights. Now on to pictures of my little sweetie.

Finally.... some belly laughs caught on video! :-)