Monday, July 31, 2017

July iPhone pictures

Blue Hole and Kinley caught a little fish!

Kinley and I got our hair cut while Brooklyn pretended to get hers done.

Mr. Gattis with Finley

Kinley and I getting some pampering

End of basketball season with Caleb and Vox

Betty's birthday swimming party

Vox's birthday sleepover

B singing

with Gavin

with Jordan

with Aster

Swim lessons

Finley's birthday party

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Dentist and Tooth Fairy Visit

I got completely robbed of Kinley's toothless smile and instead, we had shark teeth (as we've affectionately been calling them).  Her two bottom permanent teeth came right on in behind the baby ones and after about six months of those baby ones not budging, the dentist decided to go ahead and pull them out yesterday.  Kinley was so excited about her first visit from the Tooth Fairy!  Apparently, you get more money per tooth when you have to go to the dentist to have them pulled and she scored 20 bucks! 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Summer bucket list in ATX

I added a few popular tourist-y spots in Austin to our summer bucket list and rallied some friends to join us. First stop was lunch at Home Slice Pizza. The kids loved it because they bring out pizza dough to play with and the pizza was pretty dang good! Then we hit up the popular 'I love you so much' sign. And we finished it at Big Top Candy. All on Congress Ave. It was miserably hot, but fun to cross these off our to-do list!