Thursday, May 31, 2018

May iPhone pics and misc

Teacher Appreciation Week- I helped decorate the 4th grade hallway and did Tyler's classroom door. It was a camping theme and my kids were excited to score that cute tent and those cute s'mores chairs after we were done using them.

Spoiling Tyler's teacher with some camping themed treats~

Maddie's birthday party~

All kids crashed out on the way to Chuy's for lunch.

Mean scare... I tried to film Travis hitting his brakes and yelling to wake up the kids, but the phone flew out of my hand. Ha!


Happy Mother's Day to ME!

Brooklyn had to get two cavities filled. They gave her a mild sedative that was supposed to help relax her before the procedure, but it completely knocked her out.  She may be like me and very sensitive to medications.... meaning, she doesn't need a lot and her body reacts quickly to it.

All done... with lines from her movie goggles.

Yearbook madness! I took a picture to remind myself one day about the hours that I spent sorting and distributing yearbooks with my favorite tiny helper in tow.

B and Monroe at Neala's birthday party~

Dinner with the neighbors~

Miss Kypke's little birthday celebration in class~

Jaiden, Monroe and B


Silly girl video~

Loose bottom tooth

4th grade does an end of the year water balloon fight with the teachers. Pretty entertaining!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Gymnastics Showcase

Kinley had a little gymnastics showcase where they showed off some of the things they have been working on all year and she received a medal. :-)