Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August misc and iPhone pics

Tyler's first sleep over~

Crazy, there are two boys sleeping somewhere in there.

Looking at costumes to buy for Disney

Tyler wanted a picture~

Mom's night out

School open house and kinder playdate

We had to shift car seats for the day and everyone was happy about moving~

make up

hard lessons- she had to miss out on her chocolate shake because she wasn't listening, but I wasn't about to miss out!

This frame is from Tyler's kinder year. I love that it's still hanging in the classroom and now Kinley gets to see it. :-)

We are in so much trouble with this cutie!

Can't keep clothes on these kids!

Agggh- Brooklyn tried a couple of dance trial classes. She acted like she really wanted to and this is when Kinley started, but she cried her little eyes out when I had to leave her in the class. Guess she's not ready yet! How stinkin' cute does she look in Kinley's first dance outfit?

Friday, August 26, 2016

National Doggy Day & Grandpa Bill's Birthday

There's a day for everybody and every doggie! Today was National Doggy Day! It's been 2 1/2 years since the vet suggested that we put Cooper down. He definitely has some troubles, but he's definitely hanging in there! This is what he was up to tonight! AND- it was Grandpa Bill's birthday! We all enjoyed some pool time and dinner.

Monday, August 22, 2016

First day of school

I seriously don't even know how we're here! I have TWO kids in school! 3rd grade AND kindergarten! I think it's safe to say that I was NOT ready for Kinley to start kinder. I've already been there with Tyler and now I know first hand just how fast it flies by! I'll blink and she'll be in third grade tomorrow and Brooklyn will be starting kindergarten. I just can't deal! Despite my feelings on the situation, Kinley was about as excited as she could be and in all honesty, she does have it pretty good. She got Mrs. Davis as her teacher (was Ms. Crawford- Tyler's kinder teacher) and has a few good friends in her class. Not to mention, this girl has so many other kinder friends and "big girl" friends that go out of their way to hug her when they see her. She's besties with the principal and office girls... there really couldn't be a better situation. Tyler was pretty pumped because third grade moves upstairs with 4th and 5th, so he's considered a "big kid." That doesn't sit well with me either. HaHa!! They are just growing up way too fast! Neither of them wanted me to come have lunch with them, but I still managed to sneak back up there once. ;-) These cuties had a fantastic first day at school!

Neighbor friends have a new little sign holder this year!

Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Myers

Look who I got to spy while I was in the front office. Taking yearbook pictures has its perks!

I only peeked in at lunch. Clearly, Kinley was missing me like crazy! This is her little group prior to kinder. How lucky is she?!

We took a few more pics after school since we were so rushed in the AM

Proof that my brain was NOT working this day. The morning signed accidentally ripped, so I made a new one. It wasn't until I saw these that I realized what I did. See it??! I have about 20 more cute pictures saying that he's in first grade. I wish!!

Mrs. Davis texted me this picture from the day~

with Belen

Kindergarten pack- something tells me this little one is going to be the leader of the pack!