Friday, May 29, 2015

May misc and iPhone pics

Kinley's friend, Neala, had a pageant-style birthday party at the YMCA. Kinley had so much fun (maybe too much fun!) walking the runway in her "fancy" dress. Then the girls put their bathing suits on for one more walk down the runway and went swimming. Isn't that a cute idea??!

(Twirling her hair the entire time!)

Dancing Fab 5- Kinley's BFF's

We've been catching some awesome sunsets lately! Amazing how the colors change so quickly!

What else is better than clean kids and pajamas??

Tyler's end of the year school performance. That's him holding the sign up!

Play time!

Getting pictures taken of Brooklyn at JC Penney and having some flashbacks to three years ago when I was getting pictures taken of Kinley and left Tyler here to watch a show. He hid in this console and sent everyone in JC Penney in a panic to find him. Ahhhh... good stuff!

1st grade hallway that another mom and I decorated for Teacher Appreciation Week. Dr. Seuss themed~

Snapped a cute picture of all the kids and put it in the hall- "Thank you for teaching us to read"

Travis and Tyler sitting in the blind at the ranch~

This never happens anymore! All three kids sleeping in the truck! I may have or may not have parked in a parking lot and enjoyed a chocolate shake while checking emails. ;-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brooklyn is 11 months old

Brooklyn is 11 months old and we're on the countdown to her first birthday! Waah! She's a busy little bee and she's becoming more active. She doesn't like me holding her as much because she wants to be down crawling and she crawls fast! That has made outings and being at Tyler's school more difficult. She can crawl up the entire staircase now, so we had to bring the baby gate out. She's using her walker some, but she gets very frustrated because she doesn't know how to maneuver it, so once she runs into something and is stuck, she starts fussing until we redirect her. She loves being outside and looks for and points to the moon at night. Her bottom right tooth came in on 4/17 and I feel like I can always tell when she's teething because nursing becomes very painful for a few weeks. We are currently going through a rough nursing patch and I'm pretty sore with her initial latch and teeth! She's eating more tiny pieces of our food- She loves bread-type foods: pizza, sandwiches, donuts, rolls, pasta. She loves corn, broccoli and potatoes. I think she'd eat cheese and applesauce all day, if she could. She just started drinking from a straw. She's officially sitting in the high chair at the table with us. We still need to get another chair, but Travis is making do with a folding chair until we do. She's trying to play little games... opening and shutting the doors, putting things in cups, rolling the ball to me. My favorite update- she clearly says 'Momma" now. It's pretty darn precious! She also started blowing kisses. That's pretty darn precious, too!

We are having a joint 'Beer and Pink Lemonade' birthday party for Travis and Brooklyn! :-) It has been fun to plan so far! I got these cute pictures of her to possibly use in invitations. I just can't believe that she's about to be one!!

Happy 11 month old for now though!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Blast Ball- Part 2

Here's the action from the 2nd half of Kinley's blast ball season! I'm not really that surprised, but I'm still surprised at how well she did! She runs fast and I mean, she runs! Her little fists are clinched tight and she's kicking up dust behind her! And she hits the ball pretty good as well! It was definitely a great first experience for her and I'm already looking forward to her next Season!

(I'm not sure why she holds the bat this way, but doesn't it look like something straight out of 'A League of Their Own')

Getting her medal at the end of the Season!