Sunday, February 19, 2012


Talk about a beautiful sunset while playing outside!

Messy kids

I think I finally have some "mealtime messy" pictures to put in Kinley's baby book! :-)

Messy dinner for everyone!

Happy Valentines Day!

Special day with my two little Valentines.

More fun in the tub

These two have some serious fun in the tub together.

Mmmm, BBQ chips

Told you someone loves her BBQ chips. :-)


Lots of pics!

I've been so busy with work and haven't had time to post pictures of all our fun. I'm working on pictures from the past couple of weeks now. :-)

Kinley is 11 months old

It's crazy to think that my baby girl is 11 months old now!! 11 months means that we're officially on the countdown to her first birthday and that seems almost impossible! How can she almost be one??????

It's interesting because I've gotten several of the same comments over the past month when someone asks how old Kinley is, "Oh, this is such a fun age" and they are so right. We're entering that fun stage where she is really developing her personality and interacting with us and her toys more. She surprises me daily with her ability to try and communicate and understand things now. She was pretty excited over seeing a rescue dog several weeks ago on the news. As I was telling her it was a dog, I asked where her dog was and she immediately pointed to Cooper in our family picture in the living room. I wasn't expecting that. haha. Little things like that. She also points us out in that same picture and has been saying Momma, Dada, and Bubba more this past month, although she mostly repeats us or just says it over and over like baby babble. She loves Cooper and Cassie and has several meltdowns a day because Cassie doesn't want much to do with her. Tyler did the exact same thing when he was a babe as well. No fun!

She likes to try and brush her hair and thinks that most clothing pieces, regardless of what it is or who it's for, is something she can pull over her head and watching her try to put one of Tyler's socks on her head is quite entertaining. However, she still declares war when I try to get her dressed. She claps, waves hi and bye (yep, she has a different wave for each), blows kisses and loves to dance. She is usually interested in whatever Tyler is eating, drinking or playing with and I love that they have been playing together more lately. It's short lived and most of the time she's just annoying him, but they're still playing together. She also loves taking baths with her big bro. She doesn't like when Travis and Tyler play wrestle and she especially doesn't like it when I wrestle with them. She usually starts yelling at us. We still don't have a good schedule and napping/sleeping still stinks. It does seem like she's nursing less and eating more foods and I know that's when Tyler started sleeping better, so we're getting close... I can feel it!!! (I have to keep telling myself that! I think I can... I think I can...). She pretty much eats everything that we eat now, but the favs are still pasta, lasagna, chicken, steak, potatoes, eggs, mozzarella cheese balls, nilla wafers, broccoli, corn, apples, bananas and I recently found out that she loves (really loves) BBQ chips. In short, she likes anything that we're eating. :-)

She's getting around a lot faster these days and just started crawling up the staircase (with us monitoring, of course). I'm sure I'll pull the baby gate out soon. She's pulling up on just about everything now and is incredibly clumsy. She has several bumps and bruises on her face as we speak. It seems like she's taken a face plant every day the past few days. :-( I don't think we'll see her walking anytime soon, but I'm already not looking forward to all those falls, scrapes and bruises.

We've been saying how shy Kinley is, but I'm not so sure that's entirely true. I think she appears shy in one-on-one situations and takes a little bit to warm up, but she definitely enjoys being the center of attention in a crowd and she definitely is! We've been out to lunch or dinner several times recently and she has half the restaurant waving and giggling at her and she eats up every second. Last week, she flirted with the guy checking us out at the grocery store like crazy!! I couldn't get her to leave him alone! Trouble... she's going to be trouble. ;-)