Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lucky Charms

I think this shows that I will document just about anything that Tyler does. haha :-) He ate his first bowl of cereal (with milk!) this morning. He eats dry cereal all of the time, but he specifically asked for milk with his Lucky Charms and he was excited that he got what he wanted. Only Tyler can make eating cereal look this cute. :-) (He was sitting on the counter while I was making muffins)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fun in the Sun

We finally pulled out some of our water fun from the garage! These were taken over the past week.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chores with Daddy

Tyler LOVES helping his Daddy mow the grass and I love that Travis has enough patience to let Tyler 'help' him. They didn't use the blower to get the grass off of the street like normal, so I didn't get pictures of that, but that's pretty entertaining to see. Tyler usually uses his little blower right alongside Travis and our neighbors get the biggest kick out of it when they drive by.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend in Seadrift

We spent this past weekend in Seadrift for Shrimpfest. We drove to Port O'Connor on Friday to let Tyler play at their little beach. This kid LOVES digging in the sand- he could have probably stayed there forever if we let him. While Tyler enjoyed digging, Travis and I collected hermit crabs and I played with my new camera lens. :-)

Back to Port O'Connor on Saturday morning for Tyler's first boat ride and first fishing experience!! He did surprisingly well on the boat and looked so stinkin' cute wearing his life jacket! He enjoyed playing with the radio and talking to his Uncle Brent (at least that's who he pretended to have several conversations with), which was really sweet. The fishing experience was a completely different story... and a funny one. I knew he was too young to really be into it, but Travis has been itching to get him out on the boat and fishing since the day he was born! I figured we'd give it a try and I could at least get a few pictures. He caught several fish on his little Spiderman pole, but they kept getting off, so Tyler didn't get to experience reeling them in for very long. Travis finally got frustrated and rigged up a better rod. Of course, Tyler was already over it by this point and didn't help reel the next fish in. Travis pulled in a Sheepshead and as Tyler was checking it out, the fish started flapping around and the spines on top stuck out. Tyler yelled, "Not nice, fish!" and ran to hide behind the bench seat while crying and screaming. Tyler asked us to put any fish after that back in the water. It was classic! I guess he's not quite ready for fishing. Although, in Travis' defense, Tyler sure enjoys watching fishing shows with his Daddy every weekend, so I can see how Travis would think taking him fishing was a good idea. ;-)

A short video of Charlie Robison playing in Seadrift Saturday night. We didn't get to watch the entire show since he started playing so late (as in 11pm late, which was obviously already way past Tyler's bedtime). We stayed with some friends who were within walking distance to the show and I did get to hear the rest of the concert and his popular songs, 'Bar Light' and 'My Hometown' while laying in bed. ;-)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My little reader

Tyler still has a growing interest in books. He has always loved them, but I often catch him laying in our bed "reading" the books now. Sure, this isn't a commercial for "Your Baby Can Read," but I'm still very impressed with him!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy 35th, Travis!

Happy Birthday to Travis! I love that Tyler is so involved with birthday celebrations now. He had so much fun helping me bake a cake, make a card, singing... everything!

LOVE our version of 'Happy Birthday!' Three people singing off key!

Playing with guns

... squirt guns, of course! Did I already mention he's such a boy! And I love that he can still laugh so much that it causes him to get the hiccups.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Playing with cars

He's such a boy. ;-)