Monday, April 27, 2009

1 year pics!

If there was one picture that could sum up Tyler- somehow this would be it. :-)

Birthday cake preview

This little cake didn't stand a chance against Mr. Tyler. Unlike many other pictures I've seen where the kiddos are curious and poke a finger or two at their cake, this was the truest form of "cake smashing" that I've seen. There was nothing delicate or curious about Tyler and his cake. ha! It turned out to be a very messy photo shoot in a matter of seconds and by the time it was over, you would have never guessed that he did have a yummy cake. He had a good time with it though (and how could you not??). Hopefully, it won't be this messy at his birthday party!

Friday, April 17, 2009

First Haircut

We took Tyler to get his first "professional" haircut today. We weren't incredibly impressed with the experience. For 20 bucks, the hair dresser basically did what I've done previously (and left the front a little too long and the back a little too short- leave it to us to be critical though- haha). However, Tyler did so much better than I expected. He had a Sesame Street video playing on a TV in front of him, it was his first time trying a sucker and he actually sat still longer than 2 seconds for all of this.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Clap your hands

Another first.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny brought Tyler a cute sand bucket filled with goodies. I wasn't able to get very many pictures because believe it or not.. my camera batteries died! uggg. We still enjoyed the beautiful weather outside and sharing our first Easter together. Of course, Tyler had no idea what was going on, but was happy to get some new stuff. :-)

(He wanted me to open his yogurt melts right away! This is seriously his fav.o.rite snack)

"Check out my silly hat"

Already reading his new book-

Watering the plants

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I was so excited to take Tyler's pictures in the bluebonnets for the first time! Unfortunately, it was a little windy and very sunny and even my smiley boy had a hard time giving me a good smile. I think I still got some really cute pictures!

Big Boy Seat

Tyler moved to the big boy convertible carseat this past weekend and he was definitely ready for it! He really enjoys sitting upright AND being able to look out of the window. His attitude during car rides is so much better now (thank goodness!).

Passed out on the way to visit Poppa-

reminiscing... Tyler was only 2 weeks old here and this seems like a lifetime ago!